Currently, penis enlargement surgery is one of the most popular in the field of intimate plastic surgery for men. There are technologies nowadays that will help solve the vast majority of the problems in this area so that a man can enjoy life and feel strong and confident. Enlargement of the penis through surgical interventions is possible both in length - extension of the penis and in width - according to its thickening. These are two different techniques that differ in operational technology.
The most common method of enlarging the penis used today is to surgically cut the ligament that supports it. This operation is called a ligamentotomy. In this case, the penis (depending on the individual characteristics of the patient) is lengthened from 1. 5 to 6 centimeters.
After surgical lengthening of the penis, a special device, an extender, must be used for several months.
Penis enlargement surgery is indicated for men who are not satisfied with the length of the penis. The indications for an operation are determined by the doctor after a conversation and an examination in a personal consultation.
Extension - ligamentotomy. During the surgery, the surgeon cuts the ligaments that secure the penis to the pubic bones, which allows the part of the penis to be exposed in the body. The corpus cavernosum is released at the location of the deep arteries and fixed in a new position at the level of the cut brace. To prevent the ligaments from growing back together, it is necessary to wear a special device for several months - a stretcher, the task of which is to perform a pulling function. Correct use of a stretcher and a well-performed operation will allow you to achieve the desired result.
Advantages of ligamentotomy:
- low trauma - the operation is performed through a minimal incision in the scrotum area.
- urethra, neurovascular bundle, corpora cavernosa are not affected;
- The seam is almost invisible.
Thickening - In the classic technique, fat tissue from other parts of the body is transplanted into the penis shaft (e. g. from the buttocks). Various synthetic fillers and gels are also used. You can use this method to make the penis more massive. However, the method described can lead to complications in some cases. For this reason, more modern techniques are used today, in which special prostheses made of biocompatible synthetic materials are used.
Measured values
- Excessive subcutaneous fat in the genital area
- Dissatisfaction with the size or appearance of the penis
There are several reasons for a ligamentotomy:
- insufficient size of the penis in a state of erection (anatomical feature);
- Peyronie's disease;
- suffered injuries that deformed the penis;
- congenital underdevelopment of the genitals.
Plastic surgery for penis enlargement cannot only be performed for medical reasons. Often, at the request of the customer, it is carried out solely for aesthetic purposes.
In this case, the patient directly decides on the need to lengthen the penis.
Required analyzes
Before the operation to enlarge the male member, you need to do some clinical and instrumental examinations:
- blood tests (biochemical and general), urine;
- Determination of HIV antibodies, HBs-Ag, anti-HCV;
- RW (syphilis test);
- blood sugar;
- coagulogram (evaluation of the coagulation system);
- EKG;
- Chest x-ray.
If the ligamentotomy is performed for medical reasons, the plastic surgeon may prescribe additional laboratory tests or consultations from "narrow" specialists. It is usually recommended to see an endocrinologist and andrologist-urologist, ultrasound, or MRI.
Since in most cases a surgical extension of the penis is carried out at the patient's request for aesthetic reasons, the general contraindications are:
- Infectious and inflammatory diseases in the active phase;
- aggravation of inert chronic pathologies;
- severe diseases of the bronchopulmonary or cardiovascular system;
- recent heart attack or stroke;
- unstable angina;
- some endocrine diseases;
- malignant neoplasms;
- sexually transmitted infections in the acute stage.
The exact date of the operation will be determined by the attending physician after analyzing all available data.
If you have an allergic reaction to a medicinal substance, or if you have had previous procedures with certain complications, you must warn your surgeon and anesthetist about it.
In addition, the doctor must be informed about bad habits, addiction or systematic use of drugs. The lack of all data from a specialist on the patient's health can lead to the development of postoperative complications.
How should masculinity be increased?
The operation lasts 30-40 minutes and is performed using special microsurgical techniques to enable the visualization of nerves and vessels. The patient stays in the hospital for one day.
With absorbable sutures, no sutures need to be removed.
It is recommended not to have sexual intercourse for 2 weeks after the procedure.
The result can be assessed at least a few months after the operation.
What determines the result of increasing the length of the element?
By using a stretcher, the effect of the interference becomes much clearer. However, in order to get the best result, the relevant factors must be considered.
- The initial length of the penis - the larger it is, the stronger the effect.
- Anatomy of the phallus - its effectiveness depends on how well the stretcher is fixed.
- Normal hormonal background - hormone therapy may be recommended for some patients.
The result of an increase in manhood from surgery will be preserved forever if all recommendations are properly followed.
Rehabilitation phase
After penis enlargement surgery, the stretcher should be worn for 2 hours a day, gradually increasing to 6-8 hours per day.
Incorrect use of the device can lead to complications, particularly paraphimosis. Therefore, all recommendations of the doctor must be carefully followed. After successfully completing the rehabilitation course, you can expect an increase in masculinity by 3-5 cm.
Between the corpora cavernosa of the penis and the bones of the pelvis there are several ligaments of connective tissue to which the organ is "suspended" from the bone structure. One of these ligaments is cut during a ligamentotomy of the penis. This will enlarge the visible part of the penis. This is due to the elimination of the force that pulled him into the soft tissues.
Work steps:
- Pain relief. Can be performed with epidural or general anesthesia. In the first case, the patient is conscious: after a special injection into the back area, the sensitivity to pain below the waist is "switched off". In the second case, the patient is passed out and wakes up after the operation is over.
- Make an incision in the scrotum. This approach is not the most traumatic. The discomfort after the operation and the size of the postoperative scar are minimal in this case.
- Cut the suspension tape with a scalpel. Damage to nerves and blood vessels as well as impairment of erectile function are excluded. The tissues of the penis itself are not affected.
- Suturing a postoperative wound with cosmetic sutures that can no longer be distinguished afterwards. The doctor may use ordinary surgical sutures (in which case the sutures must be removed) or be self-absorbable, which do not need to be removed.
Depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, the procedure takes up to an hour (maximum), on average 30-40 minutes.
The stay in the clinic is usually no more than 1-2 days. During this time, the general condition and dynamics of healing of the post-operative area are monitored.
Immediately after the penis enlargement operation, the organ is lengthened by around 2 to 2, 5 cm. To improve the result by a few centimeters, a stretcher should be worn regularly for a few months after the ligamentotomy.
After 5-7 days, the seam is almost completely healed. On the first day the patient may be disturbed by discomfort in the area of the operation and slight swelling of the soft tissues.
Penis enlargement is not just done with the help of an operation. In the late rehabilitation phase, which can last up to six months, a special medical structure is fixed to the penis for several hours a day.
The purpose of the extender is to mechanically stretch the tissues of the organ. In this case, the patient sets it up himself: it is necessary to achieve a feeling of slight stretching, pain and discomfort should be absent.
Wearing an extender lengthens the penis by another 2 to 2. 5 cm. During this time, new ligaments form.
If the stretcher is not used after the procedure, the severed ligament heals and regains its original shape and length. In this case, penis enlargement may not occur or be minimal.
Recommendations in the postoperative phase:
- physical and sexual activity should be limited for 2-3 weeks.
- Immediately after the ligamentotomy, the use of tight or tight underwear must be stopped. This ensures the fastest possible restoration of microcirculation and innervation in the operating area.
- Prevent seam wetting.
- Treat the post-operative area according to the surgeon's instructions.