First, consider whether size matters.

One of the most common medical queries on Google is about penis enlargement. However, for medical reasons, this procedure is only needed by 20% of the world's male population. In other cases the problem is purely psychological.
When a normal size man thinks his organ is too small and he is constantly thinking about how to do something about it, it is one of the types of mental illness. Experts attribute this condition to dysmorphophobia syndrome.
A man with body dysmorphic disorder may feel anxious, depressed, and even become deeply depressed. He is isolated with all his might from society, especially women.

If you are of normal size but the feeling that your penis is too small does not leave you, you need special psychological help. A person in such a condition needs support to return to a normal, full life and to stop dealing with a non-existent problem. Treatment mostly includes antidepressants and sedatives.
What is the normal penis size?
The normal size of the penis at rest is 7 to 13 cm. When erect, 12 to 20 cm
The size of the penis at rest is less than 6 cm, and when erect, less than 9 cm is called a micropenis. This pathology is diagnosed at birth.
And what about too big. Should you be jealous of their owners?
The man with the biggest penis is the American actor and writer John Falcon. His erect penis reaches 34. 3 cm. Incidentally, the impressive size of manhood brings John a lot of inconvenience: it is difficult for him to find a job - many companies do not want to hire an actor, who became famous with it way. In addition, a man is often stopped at the airport for additional checks, confusing the dignity of the actor with contraband.
What determines the size of the penis
The size of the penis initially depends on the genetic data. An interesting fact is that the Y chromosome received from the father affects the fertility of the future man, and the maternal X chromosome determines the length and diameter of the penis. In addition, the size of manhood is influenced by several other factors:
- The amount of androgen hormone in the mother's body during early pregnancy.
- The effect of some drugs during the embryonic period.
- Testosterone Levels During Puberty.
- Inadequate nutrition of the fetus in the womb and in the first years of the child's life.
- Unfavorable environment, the effects of pollutants on the body in childhood and adolescence.

Is it realistic to enlarge the penis and how does it work?
Warning - scammers!
Right now the internet is full of penis enlargement offers. Manufacturers of ointments, gels, pills, and creams vie with each other on how to increase the length of your penis by purchasing their wonder product. All of this is nothing more than a publicity stunt. Most of them can only increase blood flow and make erections stronger. However, this effect is short-lived and ends immediately after you stop using the product. And of course the original size remains the same.
After reading fake reviews and spending money on dubious funds, at best you will be left with nothing - at worst, you will face unwanted consequences. And when you come across a recipe for how to enlarge your penis with soda, stay away from such tips! The only thing you can get out of such life hacks are health problems.
Are There Any Working Methods Of Penis Enlargement At Home?
Let's consider the most popular methods that answer the question: how to enlarge the penis without surgery at home?
The description of this technique explains how to enlarge the penis through a massage that you can do yourself by stretching, twisting, and squeezing the penis with your hands. The followers of this training promise an extension of the penis by 1 - 2 cm. In general, this technique differs from ordinary masturbation only in that it is performed on a semi-erect organ and should not result in ejaculation. Information about the effectiveness of jelqing is based on reviews on questionable websites and fake research. In fact, there is no official study that supports the beneficial effects of jelqing. However, it is entirely possible to inflict a penile injury, erectile dysfunction, or a real mental disorder without getting any result.

Vacuum pump
The principle of operation of the pump is based on the creation of a negative pressure inside, which increases the blood flow to the capillaries and arteries of the penis. There are different types of pumps:
Manual with pear
The air is pumped out manually when the pear is pressed. The simplest and cheapest model.
Manually with a pump
Instead of a pear, a small pump is used for convenient and faster suction of the air.
Automatic pump
Powered by rechargeable batteries. The air is automatically evacuated.
Hydraulic pump
The penis is massaged with water that fills the pump chamber. The liquid replaces the air and is also pumped out. More suitable for bathrooms.
The opinion of experts regarding the use of the pump is that it does more harm than good. Although the size of the penis increases for a while due to edema, the effects do not last long. However, prolonged and frequent compression of the organ can lead to cracks, bleeding and erectile dysfunction.

This is an orthopedic device that when worn causes a slow physiological stretching of the penile tissue in length and width by 1-3 cm. It is recommended to wear it 3-6 hours a day for several months. It is recommended to start with 30 minutes a day and gradually increase the time by 30 minutes each day. The device consists of a ring that covers the base of the penis, a ring that fixes the head and an attachment that measures the elongation of the organ. The expansion element is in the form of a tape or a vacuum. The latter is recognized as the most convenient. You can wear extenders both at home and at work. Positive features of the extender:
- Dosed physiological tissue expansion.
- Improve blood circulation.
- Growth stimulation.
- Enlargement of the penis.
- The disadvantage of the device is that it has to be worn for a long time.
A device that resembles an extender in its functions, but is more compact. There are two types of stretchers: loop and vacuum. Such a device is easier to carry, but more often it causes complications in the form of circulatory disorders due to severe compression of the head. All of these devices work on the same principle: the tissue of the penis is stretched by the load, which ensures a natural increase in size. But all of them do not give significant results.

Injection techniques
The procedure for enlarging the penis with the help of hyaluronic acid injections has recently become very popular. Biogels based on hyaluronic acid have proven themselves in male genitalia. With the help of these drugs, many problems related to the appearance of the penis and its functional abilities can be resolved. A hyaluronic acid filler is used to safely change the size of the penis, compensate for any lack of volume if necessary, and enlarge the glans of the penis. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The only drawback to this method of resizing the penis is its fragility. Over time, hyaluronic acid dissolves. The effect of the procedure is present for 1-2 years.
How to make a member wider
Collagen matrix
The principle of operation is to install two cylinders on the penis shaft with a cutout at the site of the urethra. Collagen casts trigger the formation of additional connective tissue. The matrix itself is resorbed within 3-6 months and its own tissue is formed in its place. The postoperative period lasts 2-3 months.
Gel implants
Implants are installed between the skin and the shaft of the penis, causing them to thicken. This operating mode is reversible. Gel implants can be removed if necessary. Today this method is considered experimental.

Penis enlargement surgery is the only proven and effective method of correcting penis length. The size obtained after the operation is retained for life. The lingamentotomy is performed not only for medical, but also for aesthetic reasons. Contraindications to the use of this operation are bleeding disorders, diabetes mellitus, infectious and oncological diseases. It is performed under local or combined anesthesia.
How does a lingamentotomy work?
During the operation, the ligament that attaches the penis to the pubic bone is cut, thereby lengthening the organ by 3-5 cm. The procedure lasts from 30 minutes to 1 hour, and rehabilitation takes about 1 month.
In the postoperative period, it is mandatory to wear an extender for 3 hours a day for 4-6 months. This recommendation plays an important role in achieving the desired result. The extender must be worn strictly according to the pattern recommended by the doctor.
So we talked about what are the effective methods to enlarge the penis and how not to fall into the hands of scammers. All methods require a reasonable investment of money and time. There are no free and easy options today. Think - is it worth resorting to such complex, time-consuming and expensive methods if your size is normal or at the lower limit? A harmonious sex life does not depend on the size of the phallus, but on the personal characteristics of its owner and, of course, the relationship between partners, and male dignity is not measured in centimeters.